Many factors come into play with insurance premiums. Your driving record will not only affect your automobile insurance but life and health insurance as well. Life insurers are worried about a high risk of auto fatalities. According to some health insurers will deny coverage if you have had a DUI within the past 3-5 years. Insurance companies are less likely to penalize an individual with a clean driving record than someone with many citations, reckless driving or offenses where drugs or alcohol are involved.
How fast were you driving when you received the ticket? Speed is a major factor; rates will go up with the number of miles over the speed limit.
Under the age of 18? According to the Virginia DMV traffic offense convictions result in the following penalties:
- First conviction. You must complete a driver safety clinic within 90 days or else DMV will suspend your driving privilege until you complete the course and pay a reinstatement fee.
- Second conviction. The DMV will suspend your driving privilege for 90 days
- Third conviction. The DMV will revoke your driving privilege for 1 year (or until you turn 18 years old, whichever is longer).
We want our drivers to use more caution and drive more carefully. An article by U.S. News gives tips on how to reduce costs.
- Cooperate with law enforcement. Drivers who are polite and cooperate with the officer are far more likely to get a ticket reduced or dropped.
- Challenge the ticket. Especially if it’s a first infraction, it might be worth challenging the ticket or asking that the fine be reduced.
- Consider hiring a traffic lawyer. It is possible to get a ticket dropped but lawyers know what strategies work best. If you are out of state, it’s possible you may not even need to take time off to appear in court.
- Opt for traffic school. Some states allow you to sign up for traffic school to avoid point on your driving record for noncriminal moving violations. Although you pay for the cost of driver improvement course, it might be cheaper than paying a high insurance premium.
Drive safe bloggers!